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Right click link to palette

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I've created some packages using VIPM and am using them on a regular basis. What I've not worked out how to do yet is have a link to the my palette when I right click on a SubVI that I've dropped.


For example if I right click on an "add" node I get a right click menu that shows the "Numeric" pallet.


Can this be done for custom palettes?



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Message 1 of 9

@Richard_Ha wrote:

I've created some packages using VIPM and am using them on a regular basis. What I've not worked out how to do yet is have a link to the my palette when I right click on a SubVI that I've dropped.


For example if I right click on an "add" node I get a right click menu that shows the "Numeric" pallet.


Can this be done for custom palettes?



The easy answer is, Yes, it can be done!  See your PM's

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 2 of 9

Not sure what cryptic message is in the PM, but I heard VIPM has a feature called Add Palette to Library or Class which is supposed to do this somehow.


I've found some packages still link to the palette even without this for some reason.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Ah, I think that's what I was looking for, shame it's VIPM Pro only.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

2016-05-04 20_28_46-Untitled 1 Block Diagram on Software Version.lvproj_My Computer _.png

For anyone else who comes acros this, this is how to do it.

Message 5 of 9
Accepted by topic author Richard_Ha

Turns out it's even easier than that....


I've cheated by creating a VIPackage, installing it, then opening the library and adding the palette.mnu file that the packages installs as the default menu, then creating and isntalling the package again!

Message 6 of 9

I know this is solved, and I know this is about a year old, but I thought I'd come back with my solution for how I am doing this in VIPM.  I use a Post-Install VI that will look at all libraries and classes that were installed by VIPM, then look at all the MNU files installed, and will add the MNU to the library that is the most root palette installed, then set the default menu to that palette.  I do this for all libraries and classes in a package because I may have multiple subpalettes of libraries in a single package.


Oh and for completeness here is some other links on the subject.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

This is excellent. I've just changed the input to a receive list function so it has to be operated manually, but saves $500 on VIPM pro!

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

But honestly the $500 is worth it in my opinion.  Being able to make VIPC (collections of packages) and distribute them as a single self contained file for offline PCs is pretty useful.  Then there is the Pre-Build stuff that you could do manually (just run a VI before building) but I used to forget all the time to run it so I'd end up wasting time building, installing, testing, realizing I forgot to do the pre build, run the pre build, build again install again, test again.  When the pro just runs the pre build for me.  The VIPM API can come in handy too, being able to build and install packages by calling VIs.  


But also the solution I posted doesn't require VIPM Pro.  Pre or Post Install or Uninstall VIs don't require Pro, it is the Pre or Post Build ones that do.

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Message 9 of 9