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Report Generation Toolkit Compatibility with Microsoft Office 2013 and LabVIEW 2012

Hello community,

on this page there is shown the Report Generation Toolkit Compatibility with Microsoft Office and LabVIEW.

In our company we use actually LabView 2012 and it works perfectly with MS Office 2010.


Has anyone ever tried the "Report Generation Toolkit" of LabVIEW 2012 with MS Office 2013? Does it really not work? Has anyone an emirical value for this topic?

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Message 1 of 4

Hi digital_badger,

as you sure have seen in the link it is not officially supported by NI, which means to you one of the following things:


1. You could upgrade your LabVIEW and your Report Gerneration Toolkit to Version 2014 and use MS Office 2013


2. You could just try it with MS Office 2013 which might work but if it's not working you don't get any support from NI.

Even if someone tried it already and it worked for him does not mean that it will work on your machines. It is possible that on some of your machines it could work but not on others. Their can be a lot of problems while playing around with unsupported setups.


3. You could leave your setup as it is and stick to your MS Office 2010.


I hope I could give you a good answer to your question

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Message 2 of 4

Hi msind,

it's been a while but i would like to reply. The following applies to the combination 'LabView Report Generation Toolkit 2012' and 'Office 2013'.

In summary, one can say that it works up to 95 %. WORD makes no problems, only with EXCEL there was trouble. For example you have to adjust the "Excel Set Cell Color and" (excel.llb); update the method-node called "BorderAround". We have also observed, that there encountered a little bug by minimizing the Excel-Window into the Windows Taskbar: in this case filling Excel-Cells doesnt work. To avoid this problem I use from now the function "Excel Easy" instead of "Excel Easy".


But for the future, we should invest in compatible systems...

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Message 3 of 4

@msind wrote:

Hi digital_badger,

as you sure have seen in the link it is not officially supported by NI, which means to you one of the following things:

Hi msind,


Could you let us know what is not officially supported by NI?! I believe it is an official page within the NI site.

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2024 🙂 )
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Message 4 of 4