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Remote Front Panels: requested vi is not loaded into memory on the server computer

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I have a program that uses dynamically loaded front panels that are access via a web page using Remote Front Panels. I have several projects doing this successfully. This new program, however, is not working properly in the web pages. I keep getting the message, "requested vi is not loaded into memory on the server computer." The main difference for this new program is that I have the project organized into libraries. For some reason, the path specified for the front panels is not resolving correclty. Here is the organization of the project:




And here is the HTML code to access the Front Panel:


<TITLE>Tickets - Main</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<OBJECT ID="LabVIEWControl" CLASSID="CLSID:A40B0AD4-B50E-4E58-8A1D-8544233807B7" WIDTH=1876 HEIGHT=882 CODEBASE="">
<PARAM name="LVFPPVINAME" value="MHWA Water Control.lvproj/My Computer/ExtremeITS.lvlib:Tickets -">
<PARAM name="REQCTRL" value=true>
<EMBED src=".LV_FrontPanelProtocol.rpvi150" LVFPPVINAME="MHWA Water Control.lvproj/My Computer/ExtremeITS.lvlib:Tickets -" REQCTRL=true TYPE="application/x-labviewrpvi150" WIDTH=1088 HEIGHT=665  PLUGINSPAGE="">

I can't figure out why the Front Panel will not load. I know that it has something to do with the project libraries and how to designate the proper path to the VI, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have tried running the project in debug mode and building an executable and running that. Both fail with the same message. I know the panels are in memory and running. And as I said before I have several other projects that are working fine, but those do not use libraries.


Any help or insight would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Still working on a solution to this problem. No luck yet.

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Message 2 of 8



Have you taken a look at this KnowledgeBase article yet? at first glance your paths look correct. Have you tried manually connecting using the connect to remote panel dialog to eliminate your HTML from the equation?


Alex W.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Thanks for the help. Yes, I have looked at that KB article. I have also looked at several other forum posts for people having similar problems, but none seemed to be the issue that I am experiencing. I will try connecting directly, thanks for the suggestion. What stumps me the most is that I have this working on this same machine with projects that do not use libraries.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

So, I tried just connecting to the remote panel through the normal mechanism to eliminate the HTML as the potential problem and I am getting the same message. Anyone have any other ideas?




And yes, the path has more to it. The textbox field just cuts it off.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Did you do the option in the project to allow VI Server access to the VI?



LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Yeah. See attached. And as I have said, I have other projects that are working perfectly fine on this machine with the difference being that they exist only within a project and not within a library.




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Message 7 of 8
Accepted by topic author Arcus111

I figured out the problem. Turns out there was another executable running that was using the default port that had been specified for the development environment. In my case, I had set it to 10500. So, the built application was using that port for the NI Web Server. The solution ended up being to specify a different Listen port in the niwebserver.conf file that is created when you build an application.




After that change, all was well. Everything loads fine and I can run multiple applications.

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Message 8 of 8