Hello Ben,
Thanks for the quick reply. I read your nugget and found it very interesting.
Your suggested way to use sub-VIs for setting the default value sounds like a good solution to the problem for clusters.
Nevertheless I am not sure if my problem is caused by the described replacement of typedefinitions after a change done to them.
I did not change the typedef now, but did it many times in the past. The project contains many typedefs of enumerations , which all were changed multiple times in the last 5 years. As long as I used LabVIEW 2012 I never encountered any problems.
Now I switch to LabVIEW 2016 without changing the typedefs and the problem appears.
Also my type definition is not on the cluster but on the enumeration inside the cluster.
That means I don't have "a [typedef of cluster with (an enum and a variant)]" but "a cluster with [a (typedef of enum) and a variant]".
I am not sure if your example with changing constants applies to that case or if it is just for clusters. Does it apply to enumerations, too?
If it applies to enumerations, I am not sure how to fix that without rewriting all the code of the last 5 years.