I’m trying to update a VI that was written to read a LVDT and temperature, both of which will be measured as 0-5V. The previous version used some DAQ sample program, that was modified to somehow read the signals. After the crash of the previous computer, the modified VI was lost forever. It was suggested to me by NI that I should just redo this part of the VI, because it would be easier than figuring out what the previous user had done.
I’m working with a USB-6008. I use labview DAQmx create channel, and the task goes to a “NChan NSamp 2DBL” DAQmx read. The data here is read and massaged a bit, and then written to disk and displayed on screen.
My problem is that the VI will only read the 1st physical channel I input. If my physical input channel is Dev2/ai0, the temperature will read, but my LVDT value will be NaN. If the physical input is Dev2/ai1, the temperature will read the LVDT value, and the LVDT will again display NaN. If I use the physical channel input Dev2/ai0:1, both values will show NaN.
The signals check out in Signal Express, so it seems to be more of a software issue. There is another device on Dev1, so that isn't the issue. I’m on Windows 7 with Labview 10.0.1, DAQmx version 9.6. I've attached an image of the block diagram. Thanks in advance for your help.