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Problems in working with IVI drivers



I tried using IVI drivers for agilent 34401a multimeter and it worked fine only for the first time (run) . However, when I put the same code inside a while loop and repeat it, it doesnt work at all. Also, I can see it creates multile instances of the IVI logical name automatically which I used for this multimeter. Any thoughts on this?


Please refer the attached image consisting of code snippet.











ivi error.jpg

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Initialze & measure VIs which I am using:


ivi details.jpg


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Hello Mnx,


First, pls attach your entire code... your screen shot are not that easy to follow...

Then, your architecture is wrong, you should use a simple event structure into a wile loop with several events desired (Open, Close, Get Measure, ... )

Thus you need'nt registers on your DMM, don't understand why do you have one in your Vi !!!

My last advice is to wire your error wire from left to right as a straight line where you better see dataflow ongoing.


Can you explain what's your IVI mode for ?




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7
Initialization of DMM should be *outside* the WHILE loop. Surprised someone over 100 posts on this message board does not know this basic concept.
And this is done whether you are using regular LabVIEW drivers or IVI drivers.



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Message 4 of 7
Hw does it matter if I initialize my dmm everytime before measuring the output?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

@mnx wrote:
Hw does it matter if I initialize my dmm everytime before measuring the output?

You don't believe the suggestion?


As Dr. Phil would say, "and how is YOUR approach working for you now?"


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Message 6 of 7

Just think about previous comments... You have all elements to run your app fine.

Try them and get back with your .vi if any problem appears !




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Message 7 of 7