I am trying to put THREE VI's together. One is actuator+serialport force measurement VI. The second one is a PWM VI. The third is FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT.VI. Since I cannot sent three VI's together, I am sending the POST three times.
This is what they are suppose to do!
1. Move the actuator up by about 1mm.
2. Change the duty cycle from 0 to 0.1.
3. Wait for 10 seconds
4. Take the force measurement.
5. Take the frequency measurement
6. Change the duty cycle from 0.1 to 0.2
7. Wait for 10 seconds.
8. Take the Force measurements.
9. Take the frequency measurements.
10. Repeat until the duty cycle goes to 1.0.
11. Wait for 10 seconds.
12. Change the duty cycle from 1.0 to 0.9.
13. Repeat everything until the duty cycle reaches 0.
14. Move the actuator up by another 1mm.
15. Repeat everything until stepper has reached 30 mm.
16. Repeat for down movement until the actuator until reaches original position.
Hope someone can HELP!