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Open or create file doesn't allow creation of file

@rr1024 wrote:

Thanks Ben, Yes I've been using those now. I think you told me about them earlier . The file handing is working fine now but the 


"Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." (23 Psalm)


"Whom he loveth he chaseneth" (somehwere in Job)


Take it as a sign of love rr1024



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 31 of 38

LOL nice and thanks, what I stumbled on that solved this issue back on page two



0 Kudos
Message 32 of 38

Early mentors of mine taght me two helpfull leassons.


1) If in doubt right-click.


2) Do not know how a function works? "Ctrl-n" (creat new VI) and try it out.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 33 of 38

@rr1024 wrote:

See my example code I attached earlier. As already pointed out, your event structure is set to lock the front panel until the event completes, but the event never completes because there is an intereactive inner while loop. Catch 22. Also, in order for the control to be read, it belongs inside the loop, else its value only gets read once at the start of the program.


These are all typical LabVIEW beginner mistakes that are most prevalent for new users that are very familiar with text based programming. Once your thinking adapts to the new paradigm, things will fall into place quickly. Good luck! 😄

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Message 34 of 38

@rr1024 wrote:

LOL nice and thanks, what I stumbled on that solved this issue back on page two



What is "this issue". Does this have anything to do with the main problem described in the tread? Please clarify.

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 38

@rr1024 wrote:

Thanks Ben, Yes I've been using those now. I think you told me about them earlier . The file handing is working fine now but the 


Nothing personal. I have a bad attitude against faulty code and if you take it personally, there's nothing I can do about it.


Here are a few smileys: :D:D:D:D:D:):):)


Come to NI Week in Austin early August and I'll buy you a beer. 😄

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Message 36 of 38

I would also strongly suggest to unmark your "marked solution", because it is a disservice to all future forum visitor (having a similar problem) to suggest that complete garbage code will solve their problem. It will not! Don't lead them astray!


You can also ask the moderator to substitute a better VI.


Personally, I would wait until you have a good solution, then post it together with a final analysis and mark ithat as solution.


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Message 37 of 38

@altenbach wrote:

@rr1024 wrote:

See my example code I attached earlier. As already pointed out, your event structure is set to lock the front panel until the event completes, but the event never completes because there is an intereactive inner while loop. Catch 22. Also, in order for the control to be read, it belongs inside the loop, else its value only gets read once at the start of the program.


These are all typical LabVIEW beginner mistakes that are most prevalent for new users that are very familiar with text based programming. Once your thinking adapts to the new paradigm, things will fall into place quickly. Good luck! 😄

Locking Event Structures.


I pointed that out 5 days ago here.  (Though it was another forum user who gave the code that had a problem.)

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Message 38 of 38