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No Devices and Interface in MAX

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Hi all,


I recently installed the evaluation version of LabVIEW and I am trying to communicate with a Mark-10 Series 5 force gauge. The problem, however, is that MAX does not seem to detect the instrument or any other instrument. There isn't even a Device and Interface tree.


I am running Windows 7 and the Mark-10 drivers are installed (and is detected by the device manager as a USB device).


Anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

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Message 1 of 8

Max will only show NI products.

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Message 2 of 8
Accepted by topic author SkittleIntern

And how are you trying to communicate with the equipment, serial GPIB, usb, TCP/IP, ...? Did you install NI-VISA and is there and equipment driver provided by the manufacturer?


Note: MAX does not show only with NI product.



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Message 3 of 8

Hi SkitleIntern, basically any third-party (non-NI) devices will not show up in MAX, although they may show up in Windows Device Manager.

Yupeng J.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8
That is not entirely true. Third party USBTMC devices will show up. USB devices that emulate a serial port will show up.
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Message 5 of 8

I recently went through this problem. You have to register a USB instrument to use the VISA driver. There is an NI tutuorial on how to do this. You can find the tutorial here.


This allows 3rd party instruments to show in MAX and be used in LabVIEW.



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Message 6 of 8

I had a look at Mark-10 Series 5 force gauge manual, if the usb interface is not usbtmc you can use the rs-232 interface, this interface will show up in MAX.



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Message 7 of 8

As it turns out, I did not install the NI-VISA package. Once I did, the problem was resolved and MAX could detect the instrument. Thanks for the help guys. I'm not sure if I'm adding another message to the thread or if I'm just responding  to a reply....

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Message 8 of 8