09-17-2013 04:15 AM
Hi - I would like to build the logic in which it should accomodate the communication redundancy using serial RS-232 for Data Transfer b/w Host and RT irrespective of TCP/IP Data Transfer.
I want to do data transfer b/w host and RT through RS232 VISA portal whenever TCP/IP ethernet cable has been unplugged from the controller continuosly , it should keep on checking for TCP/IP link re-establishing also , when ever the tcp/ip link established again that time the communication should be using in that link only. This is accomplished by deploying the RT vi as execuatbale file. I made some logic regards to the above said logic , bur it was not working as much I expected.
I request you to go through the attached two VI's and let me know , what I did wrong in that,
Please do the needful.
10-01-2013 06:13 AM
Hi - Any help on this please?
02-16-2014 10:12 AM
even i am new to this topic and i am trying to get familiar with these protocols
refer to tcp server/client examples in labview examples