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Need some help. cRIO 9056 disconnects after hours of VI running with no issues

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I could really use some help.


I'm using two VIs to collect data, plot it, and write it to an excel sheet.  One VI runs on the Rio, it collects voltage data from three pressure sensors and uses three global variables to "send" that data to the main VI running on the PC. The main VI collects data from three instruments (about 20 different data points) once every 10 seconds via serial communication and plots it and writes it to an excel sheet once every 10 seconds, with the data from the global variables.


After running for 10-12 hours the Rio disconnects. I cant figure out why.

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Message 1 of 16

Here are some images of what popped up on my screen. As you can see, it looks like the cRIO reconnected after it disconnected because the PC recognized it again.


Also running LV2019


Appreciate any ideas 

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Message 2 of 16

How is your cRIO connected to the PC?


I ask because I always thought the  NI Device Manager was a service used to detect the connection of USB devices.  cRIO's are usually connected via ethernet.

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Message 3 of 16

Thanks for the reply!


The RIO is connected via USB


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Message 4 of 16

Then I'd be suspicious of USB power settings on the PC turning off the USB port.

Message 5 of 16

I hadn't thought of that yet, that's a good idea! I will look into it on Monday and report back.


Thanks for the suggestion!


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Message 6 of 16

Unfortunately I don't think this did the trick. I changed the USB port settings but after hours of running I got error 1073807194 and it says that the connection for the given session has been lost. I can't figure what is happening. The RIO keep losing connection and then I get errors. I have to cycle the RIO power off and on to be able to run my VI again. 

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Message 7 of 16

Here are some errors I get. Again, after hours of running fine.


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Message 8 of 16

These are completely different kinds of errors.


Your first errors seemed more like system errors in how the project was communicating with the cRIO.  Especially the Device Manager one made it look like the cRIO disappeared and was re-detected.


These two pictures are more programmatic errors, ones coming up while the program is running, but not a loss of communication between the host PC and the cRIO.  It is like the PC or the cRIO is talking to an external device, not a PC to the RIO.


Can you fully describe what your program is trying to do, how the PC is connected to the RIO, and whether either are connected to other devices?

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Message 9 of 16

My main program is trying to read temps from 2 lakeshore 218's and read/control a lakeshore 340. This vi has the pc as its target and uses a slice on the DAQ to communicate via serial commands to all three instruments. 


A second vi collects voltages from a different slice on the RIO and uses global variables to get them to the main vi. This voltage collection vi has the RIO as a target.


The main vi collects all the data points from both vi's (about 20) and plots them on 4 waveform charts 1 for each instrument essentially and writes them all to am excel sheet. It reads and plots once every 10 seconds. The RIO is connected to the pc via usb. The RIO has two unused slices in it, nothing else is connected.

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Message 10 of 16