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NI MAX can't find the LAN (ethernet) device

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Recently , I have bought an Gaussmeter IGM11 to measure the magnetic intensity. I try to establish a communicate with LAN (ethernet) between PC and IGM11. I have set static IP address to my PC as well. My pc has and Gaussmeter IP address is This configuration works well with the companies software even showing some result in company software.


I close all applications on my pc and used Command prompt to check the status of LAN communication with the command 'ping', it's working well.


when I come to Labview, I am trying to configure IGM11 to PC with the help of NI MAX. I try to communicate with NI MAX by adding TCP/IP instrument but no response from the instrument, just its showing visa sesson couldn't open. Please could you help  me. 




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Message 1 of 7

I have lots of Ethernet interfaced instruments that do not like to play nice with MAX.  This happened to us a few weeks ago with a Keysight 5071C network analyzer.  We tried a few times with max and gave up and used the IP address in the target software.


If so just use TCPIP0:: for the visa resource name where the trailing character on TCPIP0 is zero not the letter o.


Figure below is the code that I use all of the time when trying to check out command syntax.  Putting *IDN? in the write string usually gets a return of the instrument information.



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Message 2 of 7

@Tom_Powers wrote:



Figure below is the code that I use all of the time when trying to check out command syntax.  Putting *IDN? in the write string usually gets a return of the instrument information.



NI-MAX can only identify an instrument on Ethernet and IEEE common commands (like *IDN?) only work if the instrument is LXI and IEEE 488.2 compliant. 


I couldn't find your device with a quick Google of "IGM11 Gaussmeter". Tell us the exact make and model.

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
Message 3 of 7



Thank you so much for your reply Tom Power and RTSLVU. IGM11 Gaussmeter is a measurement instrument use to measure the Magnetic flux density. Instrument has three slots for the communication interface (USB, Ethernet and Serial cable RS-232), so I am trying to use Ethernet cable to communicate with the device. For the communication I have to send SCPI commands to the device


For hardware configuration I am using NI MAX, with the help of Ethernet cable I am trying to establish a communication between IGM11 and PC. As you can see in my previous message  “Couldn’t open VISA session….”. I have read and following NI manual of basic Ethernet communication for NI VISA. I don’t understand why is showing error when I try to connect the device in NI MAX.


Company has provided a demo software for Ethernet communication, it’s working with Ethernet cable but when I try to use same communication on NI MAX I was getting error.


For your reference I am attaching the LAN details provided in IGM11 Manual could you please check it and also the SCPI commands I am using for Gaussmeter.




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Message 4 of 7



Thank you so much for your reply Tom Power and RTSLVU. IGM11 Gaussmeter is a measurement instrument use to measure the Magnetic flux density. Instrument has three slots for the communication interface (USB, Ethernet and Serial cable RS-232), so I am trying to use Ethernet cable to communicate with the device. For the communication I have to send SCPI commands to the device


For hardware configuration I am using NI MAX, with the help of Ethernet cable I am trying to establish a communication between IGM11 and PC. As you can see in my previous message  “Couldn’t open VISA session….”. I have read and following NI manuals of basic Ethernet communication for NI VISA. I don’t understand why is showing error when I try to connect the device in NI MAX.


Company has provided a demo software for Ethernet communication, it’s working with Ethernet cable but when I try to use same communication on NI MAX I was getting error.


For your reference I am attaching the LAN details provided in IGM11 Manual could you please check it and also the SCPI commands I am using for Gaussmeter.




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Message 5 of 7
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