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NI 9264 AO module in NI 9162 USB carrier not detected in MAX


I'm trying to set up my NI 9264 AO module in NI 9162 USB Carrier and I can't detect the device in MAX. I upgraded my DAQmx driver to 8.9 and it only shows the 9162 carrier instead of the module when I look in the device manager. I plugged my device into another computer with DAQmx 9.1.5 and still can't detectect it. This time, under the device manager the device shows up as 9264 with an exclamation point on it.  It still not visible in MAX. Please any help will be appreciated.



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Message 1 of 4

There is a known issue with NI-DAQmx versions prior to version 9.2 that would cause the DSUB version of the NI 9264 fail to function if used in the USB-9162 sleeve.  You will need to upgrade to an NI-DAQmx version that is 9.2 or later in order to function correctly.  I recommend NI-DAQmx 9.3.

Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 2 of 4

I am having the same issue.  I have an NI USB-9162 with an NI 9217 module.  I am not able to see anything in MAX.  I am running under NI-DAQmx 9.3.5f2.  I can see it in my computer device manager as "USB-9162 No Cartridge".

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Message 3 of 4

Hi SumTumWong,


The NI 9217 is not compatible with the USB 9162, you can find the compatibility chart here.


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Message 4 of 4