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NI 6210 DaqMX error -200279

Hi all,

I have a curious scenario,

I'm using a DAQ 6210 to read the rpm's of a motor using an encoder, this VI is in charge of reading the data of the DAQ,  this VI was working perfectly in a test equipment while I was debugging it.

But once the IT department installed their software the VI stopped working and I'm getting the error -200279 something about a buffer overflow,

I'm reading the data using the single capture method.

has anyone encounter something similar after IT installed their software and how do you managed to solve it without removing the IT software


if you need additional information to solve this please let me know,

thanks to all 🙂






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Read the current input buffer and Try to increase the input buffer using property node

CLD Using LabVIEW since 2013
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Message 2 of 3

@edmoac wrote:

Hi all,

I have a curious scenario,

I'm using a DAQ 6210 to read the rpm's of a motor using an encoder, this VI is in charge of reading the data of the DAQ,  this VI was working perfectly in a test equipment while I was debugging it.

But once the IT department installed their software the VI stopped working and I'm getting the error -200279 something about a buffer overflow,

I'm reading the data using the single capture method.




I think not! You really have two glaring bugs here. Both of which are related to the fact that you let the user have access to the Run Arrow.  


  •  1 there is a race condition on the "Capture" control.  It's likely read as soon as the run arrow is pressed along with all the other controls and there is no event to detect any change.
  • There is no way to enforce the user selects proper values before pressing run

Plus your block diagram constant of continuous samples is insane for single acquisition 


Seriously your IT people expect to interact with running software.  It would be simple to slip this code into a producer consumer (Events) template and give the user a "Start/Stop Acquisition(s)" button.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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