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MyRIO Saving Data as a Standalone Application

Hi all,


I am am deploying my MyRIO as a standalone application. The process to do this can be seen here:


My question is: How am I able to save data now that I am not connected to a PC via WiFi or cable? Or is saving data using this configuration not possible? 


Please try to make answers simple if possible, as I am still learning and am not an advanced user.


Thank you!

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Computers running LabVIEW come in two "flavors" -- PCs (or Macs) running general purpose Operating Systems that support multi-tasking, interaction with "slow" devices (humans, through keyboards, mouse movement and clicks, and visual displays for output), and "Real-Time" processors, running a Real-Time Operating (the myRIO runs NI Real-Time Linux), optimized to do tasks with precise timing and fixed latency.


When running a Real-Time routine on a Real-Time processor, you generally don't do "slow" tasks, especially those that rely on "really slow" humans.  So there is generally no User Interface (though during Development, you can have a "Front Panel" and implement Controls and Indicators), no Event Structures (as there are no Controls whose "change" can be noted, and no real "User" for a User Event), no Graphs and Charts (because no Front Panel, really).  File I/O is also not recommended, as it is also "non-deterministic".


The Example you cited was developing a Deployed Application, one that is saved as an Executable on the myRIO and runs when the myRIO is started (no User Interaction required), has no Front Panel, and all its output is through Hardware (the myRIO's 4 LEDs).


If you want to save data that you collect with the myRIO, you need to take advantage of the TCP/IP connection possibilities (WiFi or through the USB Cable) and establish communication with "Host" code running on a PC.  This gets a little more complicated, but basically once the (one-way) TCP/IP connection has been established, you can use it to "stream" data from the myRIO to the PC, which is set up to spool it to disk.  I recommend using Network Streams, as it "hides" some of the complications of TCP/IP, but requires that you "organize" your data (you don't generally want to write "text" strings).


Bob Schor 


Bob Schor

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