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MotorWay dll

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I have a problem with MotorWay for the Motor-Bee with LabView 8.2. I used Tools»Import»Shared Library (.dll) with mt.h and mtb.dll and created a library with 3 Vi’s. Unfortunately if I start a Vi, I get a message that LabView must be closed.

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Message 1 of 7

Can you provide the header (.h) file that came with the library, as well as any documentation for the functions you are trying to call?  Without that there is no way to know whether you're calling the DLL correctly.

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Message 2 of 7

Thank you for the answer

// Header file for use with mtb.dll

typedef bool    (*Type_InitMotoBee)();                               
typedef bool    (*Type_SetMotors)(int on1, int speed1, int on2, int speed2, int on3, int speed3, int on4, int speed4, int servo);
typedef void    (*Type_Digital_IO)(int *inputs, int outputs);
bool    InitMotoBee(void);                                
bool    SetMotors(int on1, int speed1, int on2, int speed2, int on3, int speed3, int on4, int speed4);
void    Digital_IO(int *inputs, int outputs); 


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Message 3 of 7

Have you tried playing around with the settings a little? I noticed, that in the field "library name or path", the file ending is .* instead of .dll. Since you could select the functions this shouldn't be the problem, but I'd change that. you might as well try other options for the calling convention.


I don't suppose I could fully reproduce your problem without your hardware, could I? 

Remember Cunningham's Law
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Message 4 of 7

I created mtb.lvlib with the help of Tools»Import»Shared Library (.dll). That’s why there is *mtb instead of dll. Then I created the same three Vi’s with library node and connected mtb.dll. Init Moto Bee did nothing. If I start Set or start Digital, LabView crashes.

I work with WindowsXP and LabView 8.2

Here is a lvlog:


#Date: Di, 13. Sep 2011 15:19:32

#OSName: Windows NT

#OSVers: 5.1

#AppName: LabVIEW

#Version: 8.2

#AppKind: FDS

#AppModDate: 08/19/2006 19:22 GMT

.\manager\ThEvent.cpp(152) : DAbort:

$Id: //labview/branches/Europa/dev/source/manager/ThEvent.cpp#4 $

0x00C5C053 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0

0x00C7C7CF - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0

0x081DCA2E - <unknown> <unknown> + 0

0x08350C74 - <unknown> <unknown> + 0

0xA000C4BB - <unknown> <unknown> + 0

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Message 5 of 7
Accepted by topic author Ludmila57

Have you seen this post?  It's about "StepperBee" rather than "MotoBee" but appears to be the same issue.  Try modifying your header file (after saving a backup copy) so that it reads:

int    InitMotoBee();                                
int    SetMotors(int on1, int speed1, int on2, int speed2, int on3, int speed3, int on4, int speed4);
void    Digital_IO(int *inputs, int outputs);

 Then re-run the DLL import wizard and see if it works.  It seems to have solved the problem for the StepperBee user.

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Message 6 of 7

Thank you. It works

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Message 7 of 7