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Mitsubishi Robot control with labview TCP/Ip communication

Hello everyone,
I am new here. I have faced very big trouble. I am using Mitsubishi RV-6SL robot with CRn500 series. My project said to communicate with server Robot with client PC with TCP/IP. I have uploaded my code here in .vi form. But it does not receiving anything.

Help me please.

Have a nice day.  

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Message 1 of 7

You seem to be starting with a full-blown application, which isn't working.  I recommend that you "start small".  You need to see what the Mitsu Robot wants you to do, how you are supposed to initiate communication with it.


Look at some of the LabVIEW TCP/IP examples, particularly those that involve connecting to a remote Server.  There are a number of things the Client needs to do in order to establish such a connection.  Start small, see if you can "get a connection".  Once you've done that, send a simple request and see what happens.  As you develop an understanding of how to communicate with the Robot, you can start planning more ambitious things, but First Steps First!


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 7



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Message 3 of 7

While it is helpful to attach a Project, you need to attach more than just the Project File.  Compress the folder containing the Project (which gives you a .ZIP file) and attach the Zip file.


You mention that you got a 66 error.  Where, exactly?  This is telling you which particular function failed.  If you look up the Error, it says "LabVIEW:  The network connection was closed by the peer. If you are using the Open VI Reference function on a remote VI Server connection, verify that the machine is allowed access by selecting Tools>>Options>>VI Server on the server side."


Since I can't see all of your code, and I don't know which function caused the error, I'm not sure if this message is exactly applicable.  Are you using Open VI Reference?  [You seem to be using TCP/IP, but not Open VI Reference, hence not using VI Server ...].


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 7

Thanks a lot. I have solve it by changing UDP from TCP.

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Message 5 of 7

The code is running properly after fixing but the speed keeps always 100%. How I can reduce the speed to 10%?


Thanks in advance.


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Message 6 of 7

What ip did you use?

I can't seem to connect at all

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Message 7 of 7