With the creation of the released Microsoft Kinect SDK, there have been some fundamental changes to how we can access the functionality of the Kinect.
Here is the example labview code from LabView hackers, that I am trying to modify for the new SDK.
http://labviewhacker.com/kinect.php (Attachment Initialize Kinect)
Now the issue I am having is as follows:
Previously the SDK accessed a Runtime object with a public constructor, this constructor then allowed use of such methods as initialize.
This follows what we can find at: http://www.i-programmer.info/programming/hardware/2623-getting-started-with-microsoft-kinect-sdk.htm...
Now wtih the new SDK the object I am trying to access is the static object KinectSensor, which as a collection of KinectSensors.
I used this document to figure out how to do this: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361F-01/lvhowto/create_net_object/
For reference, here is how I need to initialize the kinect in the new SDK: http://www.i-programmer.info/ebooks/practical-windows-kinect-in-c/3725-getting-started-with-windows-...
Now the problem is, I can access the object KinectSensors, which is the static collection of all the kinects attached to my computer. But I do not know how to access a single kinect out of that collection. (As seen in the attached file initialize)
In this attachment, I can access the KinectSensors collection, but I do not know how to access a single element of that collection.
I wish this were as easy as accessing the first element in an array, but I'm afraid it isn't.
Thank you for reading this, and please forgive my lack of knowledge on this subject. I am learning C++ at the moment and have no experience working with .net.