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Microphone code for getting dB feedback

I am doing a project that must utilize labview. The project's goal is to have a microphone hooked up into a computer and run a labview code that when someone speaks into the microphone labview will know the dB at which the person is speaking. We want to program the code so that we can set a threshold that above a certain dB (i.e. 80) labview will send a feedback, such as an led will light up or trigger a vibrating component to go off.


I am not very familiar with labview and was wondering if this is possible and if so how I could do it. I am willing to learn, just not sure where to start.



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@kopytko1 wrote:

I am doing a project that must utilize labview. The project's goal is to have a microphone hooked up into a computer and run a labview code that when someone speaks into the microphone labview will know the dB at which the person is speaking. We want to program the code so that we can set a threshold that above a certain dB (i.e. 80) labview will send a feedback, such as an led will light up or trigger a vibrating component to go off.


I am not very familiar with labview and was wondering if this is possible and if so how I could do it. I am willing to learn, just not sure where to start.



If you have the funds, the Sound and Vibration Toolkit addon does this pretty easily with an express VI. Otherwise you will need to measure the voltage signal and, based on the microphones characteristics, convert to dB. There are several NI hardware modules that can measure the microphone signal; it all depends on your accuracy requirements.

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Message 2 of 3

A major problem with this is calibrating the microphone/amplifier/DAQ combination so that you know the correlation between the sound pressure level and the values you get into the computer. If you want to use one of the sound weighting scales some filtering is also required.  Making sound level measurements is not a straightforward process.



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