09-09-2010 11:48 PM
Hi Adam,
No, just a singel VI - I delete an Object let's say a Button or I do some new wireing (new connections not just moving them arround) and with the next save or Strg-S I have to wait...
09-10-2010 08:02 AM
Yes, saving a single (top-level) VI. Not a save all.
I'll email the top-level VI.
09-10-2010 01:57 PM
Check out the first chapter of of this sweet video NI releases every couple years. Its pretty helpful.
09-10-2010 02:52 PM
Everyone wants their code to run faster and more efficently. We are glad the compiler is continuously being optimized. However, if optimized compiles are taking a while, this should be re-thought. The only people that don't "save their work often" are people that like re-doing work because they lost code changes. I think you are right that a lot of it has to do with the power of the computer as well. NI needs to raise the minimum requirements listed for Labview. At least list recommended specs.
The listed minimum requirements for Labview are so low that it would take twice as long to do anything in labview with a computer like that. In your testing of the new compiler changes, did you do all your testing on a machine with your minimum requirements? You should. Be sure to run the FPGA compiler every few days as well, to really experience it. Its tough to write a business justification for a good development machine when I have to fight with my superiors every time because the company looks at the minimum requirements of labview and then tell me I dont need a computer with a good processor and a lot of ram because "look at how low the requirements are for labview, right on their website."
I also agree that save time is not the time to run an optimized compile. Perhaps the timing could be rethought. Like when it needs to be run, then an optimized compile save would be necessary.
09-14-2010 04:18 AM
Dear Adam,
did you receive the downlaod link I mailed you last friday for the slow saving prioject?
09-14-2010 04:19 AM
Dear Adam,
did you receive the downlaod link I mailed you last friday for the slow saving project?