I realize I'm living in the Past but...
Recently we had a Hard Disk crash on an old test
station. We had to re-install LabVIEW 2.5.2 on a
System that runs on Win3.1 (wow is this old...)
But We were unable to find our LabVIEW 2.5.2
Installation Diskettes. We did have a BACKUP of
LabVIEW, however without the Install program, all
we could do is RESTORE (Copy) the files that were
backed up. This restore only copies the Labview
Files themselves. By NOT running an Install
Program, there are .ini and other configuration
files that do not get created or updated. My
Question is... can anyone tell me what files are
Updated/Modified/Created by the LabVIEW 2.5.2
Install Program. I know this is a stretch due to
the age and OS in question,
but any help would
be greatly appreciated.
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