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LV 2011 installer with NI-CAN

executable and on the target machine I can run that if I previously installed NI-CAN 2.7.3 from the support download of


Now I wanted to build an installer, that would automatically install the NI-CAN together with all the other drivers, runtimes etc. I do fail again and again when I tick that "other installers NI-CAN 2.7.3" box in the installer properties set.

The error that shows up hints to strange failing items, that I never had installed, like LV 2009 Runtime and alike. Some of them I downloaded from that S-l-o-w- NI Download site and installed it. It helped, but then came the next error. Now I stand here with the next (see shot). I never installed any MeasurementStudio, so why ist it trying to resolve anything from there.


It is really annyoing and humilating to tell the customer: here is an extra installer, make sure to run it before you do our stuff.


Isn't there any NI-CAN just for the tiny little LV 2011?



I'll live on if I get no answer, but maybe  there is more knowledge around somewhere.





7.1 -- 2013
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4



Are there already good news for your problem, or does the error still occur?

I’m assuming that you have created the project with a former version of LabView and now you updated to LabView 2011.
The build specifications of the installer you created before won’t be updated with such updates, that’s why such errors can occur.

There are two possibilities you can try to solve your problem:


  1. You delete your build specification in your current project and create a new build specification in a new directory



2. You create a new project an copy all your files into this new project an create there a new build specification in a new directory



I hope that your error doesn’t arise now anymore



Michael F.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Thank you Michael for your response.


Yes you are correct, the project was orginally set up in LV 2010 but converted for the "promised higher stability" to 2011.

I have not since touched the installer again, so I cannot be sure if a new one would help? 

What do you mean by " a new build specification in a new directory"  ?

I would certainly not want to create a new project from scratch (2) and re-invent all the internal structures.


I do have encountered problems with upgraded build files.

I am currently re-working two old projects one 8.5, the other 8.6 (migrated from the 8.5) 

Therea are a lot of errors there as well. One was the inculsion of the "Variable manager" . Already since 8.6 it no longer exists and is currently a version of "Distributed SystemManager". Still, you can include the old version. But it will confilct with lots of other modules. Same is true if you try to include MAX 4.7 together with other drivers.

So you are right, you must create a new Installer build. So please could you please be specific about the directory.


Thanks again.


7.1 -- 2013
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

I meant, that your "old" build files are located in your direcoty and if you want to create your new build specification in this directory, LabView notices that there are already build files and i think, that is the main issue why your problem occurs.

So you just have to change the "final-directory", where you want to save your installer or you delete the old installer files/specifications out of the directory.

Maybe you'll find some day a moment and can try it.


Michael F.


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Message 4 of 4