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Keithley 2400 Random Error -113

Hello all! 


I am running into a problem with my LabView program when I try to use it with a Keithley 2400.


The Keithley 2400 is connected to my computer by GPIB via an Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface and I am using LabVIEW 2014

I made a modified VI from the examples of the Keithley 2400 VIs that measures and records the current at an applied voltage over time.


When I start the measurement all works perfectly however at random intervals the Keithley will stop measuring for a few seconds to continue afterwards as expected. That translates into points where the current is 0 in my measurements. The error that reads on the Keithley screen is ERROR CODE -113. Sometimes, although rarely, the system will even stop measuring completely resulting in the need of restarting both Keithley and LabVIEW. As the error is completely random, and due to my limited knowledge in LabVIEW, it is very difficult for me to try to debug it.


I attach the .VI where I am having the problem.


What could be the solution?

Thanks a lot in advance,





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Message 1 of 3

You'll need to read the Keithley 2400's manual and see what -113 means.  This error is coming from the Keithley driver.



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Message 2 of 3

-113 is a SCPI error: Undefined header.  Proceed to Google that error and see what you can come up with.  It could be lots of stuff.

(Mid-Level minion.)
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Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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