08-09-2024 08:03 AM
Project Context:
I have built a bi-axial load applicator, which uses a linear induction motor to launch a carriage horizontally. Meanwhile, vertical velocities are achieved by allowing the impactor to free-fall from a set height. The travel length of the carriage is 6m and I have two panel mounts to connect the DAQ to the PC via 3 USB cables of various lengths which are supported by an AC-powered USB Hub (0.5m|6m|2m). I have developed a LabVIEW program, which until recently has been working as desired. Unfortunately, I have damaged the USB going from my PC to the first panel mount. Since then I have been experiencing some issues which I require assistance to resolve so that I can continue testing.
The LabVIEW program is able to acquire and save the data during:
However when I use the linear induction motor to propel the carriage I have received the following errors:
Warning - 50808
A USB transfer failed due to a transaction error reported by the USB host controller. This may be due to a fault in the system’s USB host controller, a cable or a USB device.
Warning - 50405
No transfer is in progress because the transfer was aborted by the client. The operation could not be completed as specified.
I have tried the following suggestions from these error codes but have not found a suitable resolution:
Also could you let me know the difference between a DAQmx Start and Stop Task and what the numbers after this means?
I would appreciate any feedback on suggestions to resolve this issue.
08-10-2024 09:45 AM
You have unspecified hardware being controlled by an unspecified LabVIEW routine that once worked, then some hardware (possibly involving the DAQ hardware?) was damaged, and now things don't work.
The first order of business, it seems to me, is to find out where in your code the Errors occur. Do you know how to use Probes? I would place a probe before and after each DAQmx function in your routine and possibly put a Breakpoint at the end of DAQmx code executed inside a loop (which assumes that the error occurs on the first execution) to pin down where in your code the problem lies. Since you seem to have multiple DAQ devices, this might help you pinpoint which device "needs fixed" (as they say in Pittsburgh).
For more help/suggestions, please provide the relevant LabVIEW code ("Saved for Previous Version" in LabVIEW 2019 or 2021 if you are using the latest versions).
Bob Schor
08-12-2024 08:41 AM
Hi Bob, thanks for the response.
For clarity - I am only using one USB-6212. When the USB cable was broken it was not connected to the DAQ so I do not think the DAQ is damaged. I have no experience using probes, however, the program operates as desired when the linear induction motor (LIM) is not powered. The issue I'm experiencing occurs when the LIM is activated. Can electromagnetic interference from the LIM affect the LabVIEW program?
I've attached my code and would appreciate any suggestions on improving it to prevent this issue.
08-12-2024 09:15 AM
@Max2796 wrote:
Can electromagnetic interference from the LIM affect the LabVIEW program?
More like the EMI can affect the signals over the USB cable and cause a (software) shutdown of the USB connection or even reset the USB device.
08-12-2024 09:24 AM
Why would this setup previously work but now its having issues?
08-12-2024 10:42 AM
I ocasionally receive a windows notification saying
"USB device not recognised
The last USB device you connected to this computer malfuntioned and Windows does not recognise it"
Is this what you would expect if the DAQ has been reset