10-09-2018 04:04 PM
I am trying to run the front panel of one system(B) in the front panel of another system(A). System A is being run as an executable. I have built a source distribution folder with all the dependents (I believe) for the front panel of System B. The folder was put into the folder containing the EXE.
I am getting Error 1003 when I run system A. This error is being generated from the Run Method Node in the Open Heater VI. It says that the front panel VI of system B can't be run even though I can open that VI up independently from the source distribution folder and there are no broken arrows and the VI operates like it is supposed to.
I had a previous system that I put together that is very similar to this. I had issues with it, but was able to get over the learning curve and get it to work. I am just wondering what I may be doing incorrectly with this one since it was a long time since I did the other one.
In the system that I am working on now the design for System A is a lot more complicated, but I wanted to share a simpler design to make it easier to run. I have attached a zip file for both system projects. System A is in the test folder and System B is in the Bunker 2 with Extension Heater Folder.
There was a knowledge article that I was directed to and below are my responses to that.
Cause 1:
The heater cRIO wasn't being overloaded, but I noticed the bunker cRIO was. So I fixed that issue. Unfortunately it didn't fix the problem.
Cause 2:
I don't use aliasing or programmatic access.
Cause 3:
I don't see this being an issue since each projects front panel VI can read the shared variables for it's own system.
Cause 4:
Ran EXE as an administrator and still didn't work.
Cause 5:
I don't believe I am changing any shared variable properties programmatically.
Cause 6:
Not using OPC tags. Don't even know what they are.
Cause 7:
Here is what I get from the progress window when I deploy the application to the heater cRIO. From what I see it appears to be deploying the variables like they are supposed to be.
Calculating dependencies...
Checking items for conflicts. This operation could take a while...
Preparing items for download. This operation could take a while...
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib
Deploying NI_PID_pid.lvlib
Deploying NI_Real-Time Target Support.lvlib
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:Digital_Input\\\PID_Monitoring\Digital_Input deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:Heart_Beat\\\PID_Monitoring\Heart_Beat deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:Heater_Control\\\PID_Monitoring\Heater_Control deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:Heater_Values\\\PID_Monitoring\Heater_Values deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:Htr_Fan_Enable\\\PID_Monitoring\Htr_Fan_Enable deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:RT_CPU_LOAD\\\PID_Monitoring\RT_CPU_LOAD deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:RT_ERROR\\\PID_Monitoring\RT_ERROR deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:Stop_Heaters\\\PID_Monitoring\Stop_Heaters deployed.
Deploying PID_Monitoring.lvlib:Temp_Setpoint\\\PID_Monitoring\Temp_Setpoint deployed.
Waiting for the target (External-Heater-cRIO9075) to respond
Deploying External-Heater-cRIO9075(successfully deployed target settings)
Deploying Bunker Extension Heater
Deploying Bunker Extension Heater.lvproj
Deploying External-Heater-cRIO9075 Container
Deployment completed successfully
I am using LV 2014 SP1, Windows 10. The two systems I am working with are interfacing to cRIO 9074 (B) and a cRIO 9075 (A).
I am a bit under the gun to get this to work. So if you can see anything that I may have done incorrectly please let me know.
Thank you for your help,
10-10-2018 02:39 PM
Check this information seems very useful:
Error 1003 Occurs When Trying to Create an Executable - https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P9fiSAC
10-10-2018 02:49 PM
Are these VIs running under RT?
If so see the bottom of this KB article.
10-10-2018 03:08 PM
One other thought I had is are any of your VIs marked to separate the compiled code from the source? Also, when you built the source distribution was it for the correct target?
10-10-2018 03:16 PM
Thanks for the response. The VI that is giving me the problem is running on my Laptop computer. So no issues with unsupported controls or indicators on RT VIs.
10-10-2018 03:17 PM
Thanks for the response. I assume that option unchecked would be the default when starting any VIs. I don't believe I have ever checked that option, so I would assume that none of them have it.
10-10-2018 03:27 PM
Is is off by default. It can be set as a global option for all new VIs, or as a project/class/library option for new VIs within those items.
10-10-2018 03:59 PM
Thanks for your response.
The error comes from the Run Invoke Node so I assume the problem is with the VI that I am trying to run with it. But I did go over the suggestions in the article that you posted.
1. The VI I am trying to run doesn't have any issue running in it's project or as an executable on it's own. So I assume none of it's subVIs have an issue.
2. I couldn't find any conditional disable diagrams in any of the code.
3. I did the force recompile.
4. Didn't install App builder by itself.
5. I did a mass compile on the main project.
6. No name duplication that I am aware of.
7. Not sure about this one because I was able to get a project similar to this working without have to include the VI I am trying to run in the sub panel and it's dependents in a foldered included in the EXE build.
8. Found that Remove unused polymorphic VI instances was selected in the build for the main EXE.
9. I would assume that all the dependencies for the VI are collected in the source distribution folder I created since the VI can run from that folder that is in the EXE folder.