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Is there a way to replace vilogger.dll and loggerdata.dll (from VI logger version 1.1.1)

I have a Labview vi developed from Labview 7 running on Windows XP.  It uses VI logger dlls to acquire data from NI multifunction daq board.  Recently I need to upgrade the system from Windows XP to Windows 7(32bit) and also upgrading to Labview 2010 (32bit).  When I open the vi from Labview 2010, the Labview crashes.  After a while of troubleshoot the problem, I manage to find out the root cause.  It was the problem of the VI logger dlls (vilogger.dll and loggerdata.dll).  I was able to open the vi with labview 2010 running on Windows 7 by deleting these two dlls.  Of cause, it is open but can not run because the vi has broken subvi that is calling the dlls.

If I put the dll files back to the system and reconnect (reconfigure) the subvi/s with these two dlls then I can run the vi but the Labview will crash immediately.

Need help to correct or replace these problematic dlls.


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As you should know, VI Logger is an obsolete product that is no longer sold or supported. You could try the procedure here for LabVIEW 8.2.


You could also skip the old VI Logger calls and acquire the data in a more direct manner with DAQmx calls.

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