A little rusty on bytes and bits. Each alpha/numeric character (including spaces, termination characters, etc) = 1 byte, correct ?
That being the case my longest string is CC1.3\rMR13\rAC100\rDE314\rVE4\rDI-1\rSH4F\rDI21609\rFL\rCI0\r for 62 bytes and only occurs during initialization and at the end of the sequence. The strings being sent when the error occurs are only 35 bytes long. (ex AC100\rDE100\rVE1\rDI500\rFL\r)
Have not had error since updating driver at noon but not holding my breath. When (if) next error occurs, I will add buffer sizing to the init case.
Stepper drive is a model 3540i from Applied Motion. The command syntax is incredibly simple (though not necessarily intuitive). Values sent are retained until overwritten or the device is powered off/on. AC100 = Setting stepper acceleration to 100, DE = deceleration, VE = velocity, DI = direction/distance (a minus sign is other direction), FL = perform the move based on the other parameters. The FL command can be sent by itself as the other values are retained.
The wiring is a just a std 9-pin serial to an RJ45 jack the goes into the driver board.
If I can get to the system when production is not running, I will set up an infinite loop to try and force the issue. Easy enough to make it move backand forth.
Will see what happens the rest of today and report back on Monday.
Thanks for all the input......
"My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."