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ICImagingControl not appearing

Hi everyone,
I'm writing a program to sample images from a CCD camera using the ICIImagingControl VI that comes with the ACtiveX package. Only problem is the window does not actually appear by default. What I mean is, when I start up my program (just a VI at this point not an .exe), the window where I should see my image is not there. I then have to go into the block diagram and double click on the ICIImagingControl to force it to show itself on the front panel. I know the solution is probably pretty simple, but I just can't seem to figure it out.
Any help is much appreciated.
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Message 1 of 6

No one knows of any quick solution to this?  I thought it would be a simple right-click-property-change kinda deal. 

Its not essential to the program, but it is seriously annoying to the user to have to open the block diagram to just use the program...



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Daman,


Without seeing your code, it is a bit difficult to determine the best way to approach this.  Is the ICIImagingControl more of a VI or an indicator?  Is it possible that you have somehow made the indicator invisible?  To be sure, right click on the image control on the block diagram and see if it gives you the option to "Hide Indicator/Control" and not "Show Indicator/Control".


There also may be a property node for this VI that you could use to ensure that this image does appear.



Marti C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
NI Medical
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Marti,

When I right click on the control, the Show Control button is there, and I when I click it the control appears, but every time I close the program and re-open it, the control disappears again and I have to click Show Control again.  Its odd, but I can't seemt to fix it.

Thanks for your help though,


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Message 4 of 6

That is interesting- can you create a property node for the display?  To do this, on the block diagram, right click on your control and choose Create>>Property Node>>Visible.  Right click and select "Change all to write".  Wire up a True Constant to the property node, and see if this gets your desired results. 



Marti C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
NI Medical
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Thanks so much!  That did the trick.  I still find it odd that it doesn't display by default, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I only have the trial version of ICImagingControl? 

In any case, your solution worked perfectly, thanks again,


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Message 6 of 6