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I can't swich between the probes on the probe watch window in run mode



Does any knows why I can't swich between the probes on the probe watch window in run mode or even the move the probes window around the screen or swap between block panels to add extra probes when the VI is running? All the windows seems to be locked in position when the VI is running.


I am using LabView 2017 and I am adapting one of the templates for my application. I don't know if it is because the templates are protected somehow or because I am new with LabView 2017. I have been using 2015 without problems.


Thank you.

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Message 1 of 4

Is there anything GUI intensive about your VI, or anything it might be running such as DLL's that might be locking the user interface thread?

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Message 2 of 4



I am modifying the QHM for continuous acquisition template. It seems to be only when I am running one of the subVI ( that is part of one the libraries (Settings.lvlib). This is my first time using libraries and that could be the reason. 


The main VI run without problems and I can use probes as usual. When I run only the subVI everything gets locked, the subVI runs but I can't navigate between probes and block panels.


Is this because the subVI is part of a library?


Thank you for you help. 

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Message 3 of 4

Has this been answered?  I am having the same exact problem.

The probe window is up and active but I cannot select any more probes or manipulate the probe window while the program is running.


The block diagram reacts as if it allows me to click and create probes but nothing happens when I click.


I am using an event structure with an infinite time out.  This is a stand-alone VI with no subroutines running anywhere else.


The probe window works as expected with other VIs so I think it is something I am missing in the settings.


W10 and LV2016

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Message 4 of 4