08-09-2015 11:10 PM
Hi everyone!!
When I try to measure the maximum voltage of channel 1 and channel 2 simultaneously, I found both the channels are showing same reading (which is channel 1's). It doesnot show channel 2 reading. could you please help me?
08-10-2015 01:44 AM
08-10-2015 01:08 PM
Have any code to show us what you have done? My guess is that you have a constant wrong.
08-11-2015 01:21 AM
Actually I communicated the oscilloscope through labview.i configured the channel speparately in labview. but i couldn't measure the maximum voltage of both channels simultaneously.
08-11-2015 02:45 AM
That you use LabVIEW is pretty obvious. What's not obvious is how you configured the scope since you still have not attached your code. How many people have to say that before you respond?
08-11-2015 04:45 AM
Herewith I have attached the front and block panel of my program. my aim is to get maximum voltage of channel 1 and channel 2 separately and channel 1/channel 2.
08-11-2015 04:49 AM
Hi hari,
are you sure you need to wire a zero for both "source channel" controls (as is indicated by the label of those controls)?
As your FP shows both use "channel1" as setting, so the Read function will most probably return the value für channel1…
08-11-2015 05:23 AM
for source channel 1 its 0 and for source channel 2 its 1( i keep like this while run the program)
08-11-2015 08:27 AM
08-11-2015 09:06 AM
sorry. i couldn't understand here what is parallel and sequential. could you please tell me in detail