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How to make a LED blink faster?

The attribute node of a LED contains the "Blink" field but when set to "TRUE", the blinking is too slow. How can i generate a faster "TRUE/FALSE" sequence?
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Message 1 of 12
Yes, there is way to make the blinking faster. Go to the Tools menu > Options > Front Panel, and uncheck the use default setting for the blink speed. Then set any speed you want. You must be aware that this blink speed affects any front panel objects you have set to blink. Also, I have noticed that when you have very large blinking objects in the front panel, they usually blink slower, due to the computer having to redraw such a big area of the front panel, I guess.
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Message 2 of 12
I forgot to mention, that the blinking you are doing is NOT switching the value of the boolean control or indicator between true and false, it is simply changing the color of the object on the front panel. If you want to switch the boolean value, you need to put the control or indicator in a loop with a shift register inverting the value of the shift register with each iteration.
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Message 3 of 12
naddad wrote:
> The attribute node of a LED contains the "Blink" field but when set to
> "TRUE", the blinking is too slow. How can i generate a faster
> "TRUE/FALSE" sequence?

Put the terminal of your led in a while-loop outside the rest of the
diagram (so it can free-run).
Make a local-variable which is true, when the led should be blinking.
Put an Shift-Register inside the loop
wire an boolean constant from outside to the shift register.
wire the signal from the shift register "input" to a "not" function and
this to the shift-register "output"
wire the signal to an "OR"-Gate
wire the local variable to the "OR"-Gate
wire the output of the "OR"-Gate to your control that should blink
put an "Wait until next ms Multiple" inside and wire a contant
the blink-length you want to it.

This should do it.

It sounds a lot more complicated than it is. If you want, you can
Download an example (in LabView 6i) from

I hope, it helps

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Message 4 of 12

How can we do it when we are coding in python?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

@yashasmylari93 wrote:

How can we do it when we are coding in python?

Make a VI that does this, compile to a dll, call the dll from Python? 👍


+ This is a LabVIEW forum, not a Python forum.

+ This thread is 15 years old! If you have a LabVIEW question, search if it has been answered and if not, post a new question.

+ This has been asked and answered

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Iam using NI cDAQ-9174 chassis, NI 9472 for digital output and NI 9264 for Analog output.

I dont have licensed Labview and i'm not allowed to use it.

Iam beginner in python programming and to NI. 


Can you please navigate me to right python platform for NI issues?

very less resources are available in net.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

I'm not sure what the appropriate forum is for Python\NI Hardware.


Perhaps Multifunction-DAQ? I'm not sure if there is any activity in that forum. I'd look for C\C++\CVI material. Converting a function call from C\C++\CVI to Python wouldn't be too hard.


How much time do you have? There will be a LabVIEW community edition in a few month, free to use for non-commercial personal use.

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Message 8 of 12

Also non-academic, which may or may not be the case here.

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Message 9 of 12

@cbutcher wrote:

Also non-academic, which may or may not be the case here.

I think that's covered by "personal" (in my post, but also in the license)?


So, an academy (and it's students (always?)) needs a license, because it's not personal. Seems like the is a grey area here. You might be a student and still legally use LabVIEW for personal use. But as soon as it's collage related, you (or the school) need a (academic) license.

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Message 10 of 12