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How to do a XYZ Scanning?

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Accepted by topic author M.Mei

You have a bewildering amount of array operations of various dimension. All you need is some concatenating tunnels as attached.


(please don't maximize front panel and diagram to the screen and please fill the controls with typical default data before saving)

Message 11 of 16

Really learn a lot from your relies, thanks very much,!


p.s why can not maximize front panel and diagram to the screen? Is the maximize panel easy to see?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

@M.Mei wrote:


p.s why can not maximize front panel and diagram to the screen? Is the maximize panel easy to see?

I do many things in parallel working on a 2560x1440 monitor. It is very annoying if I open a VI or diagram and it takes over the entire screen covering everything else, even though the interesting part of the panel or diagram is much smaller. I don't like to look at huge empty grey or white areas.


When programming, I often need to look at several VIs (panels and code) side-by-side. No single VI should be able to squat on every single pixel of my monitor ever. Other windows have rights too! 

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16

OK, get it! Never do this again! Smiley LOL




0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16


I need to implement a synchronized DAQ system which can capture the voltage values by a photo diode(Hamamatsu APD module C12703-01) from different points with XYZ scanning of a stepper motor based moving stage(MAX341/M - 3-Axis NanoMax Stage, Stepper Motors Thor labs) .

DAQ for APD = NI USB -6341

Controller for Moving stage = BSC103 - Three-Channel Stepper Motor Controller(Thor labs).

The captured voltage data from each point must be stored in that particular position array then i can normalize the value to gray level and image reconstruction. I have finished the separate VIs for both APD and XYZ stage. Since i am beginner in lab-view, i couldn't synchronize it properly.Kindly seeking expert help.

Thank you,

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16

I am following your question. I hope you managed to figure out.

Could you please share the .vi file?

I am very new in LabVIEW and having problem to write the code for XY scan and record the intensity image by reading the voltage from the photodiode.

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Message 16 of 16