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How to display a certain number of channels...

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I am using LabVIEW 8.5 and I am trying to display a certain number of channels using multiple channels ... I can display them in a graph, but I am displaying the 16 analog input channels that NI 6024E have and I need to display only the channels that have something connected to them (I do not know which channel will have something connected to it). If they have a signal (temperature), I will like to display that channel/s in a graph and save that  channel/s in a txt file. If not I do not want to show or save the channel/s.

How can I do that using DQA Assistance?


I am able to do all this using one channel, I can display in a graph, I can save it in a txt file, but I am not able to do it for n number of active channels only. Any advice or suggestion will be appreciated.




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

Hi julieta,


   You need to configure the daq assisstant for channels which actually you are using.Configure the data samples and sampling rate and also whether in differential mode or rse mode.After that connect that daq assistant to a graph.To save the channel data use the save to measurement file express vi.




Thanks and regards,



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11
I'm not sure I understand. Are you trying to figure out how to configure your DAQ stuff to only collect data from the channels that have something connected to them, or are you always collecting from 16 channels, and want to then filter the data to only keep the channels that have data on them?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11


I am trying to give the user the opportunity of selecting how many channels he/she want to connect to the board… Now I only have two channels and I know what those channels are, but I want to do something that allow the user to select the channels that he/she needs (maybe the 16 or maybe only 3 or 7). I saw that in older versions of Labview there exists in Analog Input a “AI MULT PT” that maybe could allow me to input there specific channel (I am using 8.5 version of LabView).


I am doing this to detect the channels, but it is not even close of how it supposes to be, because the user can not select… I just want to display the channels the user select and calculate the mean only for those channels.


Any suggestion advice will be appreciated…




P.D.: My English is not so good…

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

If I am understanding correctly. You need to make an arry to send to a take or make global variable vi. If that is true then this is how it is done now.




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11
Accepted by Julieta

The "AI Multi Pt" sounds like an old Traditional DAQ example. The DAQ Assistant uses DAQmx, and it hides a lot of code. This is both good and bad. Good if you don't need to change anything. Bad if you do. I don't know the way you've set up the task, but you can do what you want by simply using the DAQmx VIs directly. There are many examples that ship with LabVIEW. Open the Example Finder (Help -> Find Examples) and navigate to the Hardware Input and Output -> DAQmx -> Analog Measurement. I'm not sure whether you need to go into the Temperature directory or the Voltage directory because like I said, I don't know how your task is set up.


Let's take a simple example. If you open the "Acq Themistor Samples-SW Timed" in the Temperature directory you can see it's pretty simple. The very first VI is the DAQmx Create Channel VI. This has a "physical channels" input. This can be a DAQmx control or it can be a string where you specify the list of channels to collect. So, to do what you want you just need to create the string corresponding to the channels that you want to collect. The LabVIEW Help describes how to create this string. The alternative method is to use the technique that aestat shows. However, what's shown is only part of what you'd need to do. You would need to have a pre-created array of the channels and then you need to select the ones you want.


See attached example (LV 8.2) for an idea.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

How can I open this in labview 8.0/????

Now on LabVIEW 10.0 on Win7
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11


I tried to save for previous version the file for you, but my version of labview is 8.5. I can convert to 8.2 only. Sorry...

Maybe  smercurio_fc can helps you as he helps me because it was very useful the example.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

@Julieta wrote:


I tried to save for previous version the file for you, but my version of labview is 8.5. I can convert to 8.2 only. Sorry...

Maybe  smercurio_fc can helps you as he helps me because it was very useful the example.



CrackJack had already posted a download request in the Downconvert Requests Thread so he got it taken care of. Thanks for following up and trying.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Version 8.5 is certainly capable of saving to 8.0. The default is 8.2 but you just have to click on the arrow on the right side to pick a different version.


In any case, the proper thing is to post to the Downconvert thread with an attachment and Crackerjack already know how to do this.

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Message 10 of 11