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How to change sample rate DAQmx

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I am trying to: continuously record multiple channels (21 Acceleration and 1 voltage) using a DAQmx task, then output the data to a TDMS file. The program records and outputs to the TDMS file just fine. The issue I am having is that I am unable to successfully change the sample rate. I want to record 500samples/sec and I cannot get the "Actual Sample Rate" to change from 1651.61samples/sec. I am trying to use the clock to do this and I have been unsuccessful. I have also tried changing the "Timing Settings" in the task without any luck. Below is a screen shot of the .VI I created. I also attached a copy of the VI file. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


VI ScreenShot.png





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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by Tony327
You need to provide the model of your device. You could also look in the specs/manual to see what are the actual sample rates that supported. Some devices have limited rates.
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Message 2 of 5

Edit:  Nevermind!  I just realized that won't help at all 🙂

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Message 3 of 5

The device I'm using is a NI cDaq-9178 with (6) NI9234 acquissition modules, and (1) NI9221 module.

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Message 4 of 5
The 9234 has a max rate of 51.2 ks/s as you can see from the product page. I don't know where your rate is coming from.
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Message 5 of 5