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How to add and subtract two images?

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I am working on phase contrast unit in order to get the phase contrast details of cells from the sample.


So for the same,I capture two images with from different illumination pattern.

first I light up the upper half circle in to the LED matrix and take one image then I light up the down half circle and takes second image.

and to get the phase contrast details from that two images by using this equation.



Illumination pattern upper half circleIllumination pattern upper half circle



Illumination pattern Down half circleIllumination pattern Down half circle








I(DPC) is differnetial phase contrast image

I1 is image when I light up the upper half circle LED matrix

I2 is image taken when I light up the down half circle in LED matrix


So in order to get the phase contrast image, first, I have to subtract the second image from the first image store the result then I have to add the I1 and I2 store the result and in last I have to devide the both the result to get the phase contrast image.


so if any one know how to add, subtract and divide the images to get the above described result then please let me know.


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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by @mi
If you have vision toolkit you can find the operators vis :
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Message 2 of 5
Accepted by @mi

@udka wrote:
If you have vision toolkit you can find the operators vis :

If not, what do you have? 2D arrays? You can use the normal LabVIEW functions you'd use on scalars.

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Message 3 of 5

I have Ni Vision Development kit and I have tried to do the same what I need.

it is working good.


Thank you for the help and support.

Message 4 of 5

+1 (your first kudo) for marking the solutions.

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Message 5 of 5