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How do i reduce the sample rate of a task

Hi all. very new to Labview so please excuse me if this is a simple question.


I have an NI-9237 which has a minimal sample rate much higher than I can use for the test I have designed.


I would like to be able to control the sample frequency in the range of 100 samples per second down to 1 sample per 60 seconds. The reason for this is that I need to be able to run the test for several days. I have been using the "Strain - Continuous" as the backbone of my program and have had no luck in trying to change the sample rate. 


On the forums there have been posts regarding methods of resampling but I can not figure out how to get the task/TDMS file to record a modified signal.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Message 1 of 10

Downsampling is essentially just combining a whole bunch of points that you have too many of down to a smaller set. So if you want to go from 1Hz to 1/60Hz, you would take 60 data points and average them (or however you want to combine them) down to one point.


With respect to your VI, there is a Sample Rate input. Have you played with this? I think your device can probably only go as low as 0.1Hz, so you would have to do some downsampling to get 1 data point per minute.


Your task won't record a modified signal, the downsampling is done by your code after you read in the values. This might help.



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Message 2 of 10
You could also simply use the 1Samp option for the DAQmx Read with a Wait (ms) or Time Delay function to control the timing. There will be some jitter but with 1 sample pet minute, I can't imagine that you would be concerned about that.
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Message 3 of 10

Thanks for your response.


Unfortunately it seems the NI-9237 is limited to a minimum of 1.613kHz Sample Rate, which I find very frustrating. I have tried forcing it lower with the sample rate input but it will maintain 1.6129kHz. The downsampling example you guided me to works somewhat, which I hope I can make do in a pinch. So far I can't get it to continuously log lower than 10Hz (while a significant improvement I still don't understand why that is the limit), maybe if I put two in sequence?


Adding in a wait function does not seem to work. The recorded array data seems to act erratically; the samples either keep the high frequency sampling rate or don't log at all. 


Thank you again for your help!

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Message 4 of 10
The wait will certainly work. You are obviously doing something wrong but you have not posted your code so someone can see.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Hi Sunkistlist,


Unfortunately it seems the NI-9237 is limited to a minimum of 1.613kHz Sample Rate, which I find very frustrating.

Well, you could have read the manual before using this module, it's all described in there…


To have 100S/s you need to decimate by a factor of 16.

To get from 100S/s to 1/60S/s you need to decimate by a factor of 6000, but I would use two steps (down to 1S/s, then 1S/min) for display reasons…


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 6 of 10