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How can I set the delay for a feedback node programatically?

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I am generating a sine wave using the Simulate Signal Express vi. I then use a Feedback Node to delay the signal by a specific amount. The front panel displays 2 graphs: one of the original signal and another of the delayed signal.


The problem is that I would like to determine the amount of delay based on boolean user input rather than having to set it using the configuration box (the delay will be 4000 if the user chooses ''true'' and 2000 if the user chooses ''false''. I am doing this with a case structure. How can I use the delay outputted by the case structure to control the Feedback Node delay?


I am relatively new to Labview, so perhaps there is a better way of achieving my objective than using a Feedback Node. Any ideas are appreciated! 

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Feedback Loops are useful when you don't really want to pass data out of your loop (Case Structure in your case).


i couldn't open your file as my LabVIEW version is 8.5, for controlling your FDB Loop, why not wire a control to your feedback?


You could use a Shift register for the same purpose.



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Accepted by topic author Mott777
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