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How can I get peak value? Thanx

I have a labview program which can get signals from my system and draw
some waveform. The waveform has two peaks with some distance. Then how
can I let labview give me the peaks' values? thanx a lot!
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
I'd be curious about this one, too. I knows there is a simple array
function that will return min and max values but analytically that may be
a bad solution for looking for local extrema and it's not very noide
tolerant ...


tao wrote:
: I have a labview program which can get signals from my system and draw
: some waveform. The waveform has two peaks with some distance. Then how
: can I let labview give me the peaks' values? thanx a lot!
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

You can use Analyze>Signal Processing>Time Domain>Peak or
Threshold Peak

I'm not sure if it's in the normal LabVIEW version, I'm using Full

For every peak detector you'll have to think very hard what you consider a
peak. E.g. a peak caused by noise might be of interrest (or the only
interrest) for one application, and not of any interrest for another. I've
done several peak detection applications, on network analysers, freq.
analysers, oscilloscoops, even vision applications... It's one of the
hardest things to program.

Olso, there might be several solutions, including Artificial Neural
Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic... If possible, go the easy way
and use the VI's mentioned above.


Wiebe Walstra.

ao" wrote in message
> I have a labview program which can get signals from my system and draw
> some waveform. The waveform has two peaks with some distance. Then how
> can I let labview give me the peaks' values? thanx a lot!
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

You can use Analyze>Signal Processing>Time Domain>Peak or
Threshold Peak

I'm not sure if it's in the normal LabVIEW version, I'm using Full

For every peak detector you'll have to think very hard what you consider a
peak. E.g. a peak caused by noise might be of interrest (or the only
interrest) for one application, and not of any interrest for another. I've
done several peak detection applications, on network analysers, freq.
analysers, oscilloscoops, even vision applications... It's one of the
hardest things to program.

Olso, there might be several solutions, including Artificial Neural
Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic... If possible, go the easy way
and use the VI's mentioned above.


Wiebe Walstra.

wrote in message
> I have a labview program which can get signals from my system and draw
> some waveform. The waveform has two peaks with some distance. Then how
> can I let labview give me the peaks' values? thanx a lot!
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4