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[HELP!!] Digital Trigger Data Aquisition

Hi, I am currently trying to build a VI to use a digital trigger to start and stop a data acquisition. This code is based upon DAQmx not traditional daq I am trying to read three load cells into Analog Channels 0-2, and trigger events using a hardware switch wired to +5V to PFIO (trigger input) Waring: I am a novice LabVIEW user, so please be patient with me because I am still learning. Hardware: PCMCIA, DAQ-Card 6062E, Multifunction I/O Card Software: LabVIEW 7.1 Attempted Sequence in Code: 1) Write file using time/date stamp along with headers, etc. [works] 2) Begin while loop of continuous data acquisition without recording data. Plot, and display nuumericals, no recording. [works] 3) Change state of boolean switch on front panel to switch to "wait for trigger mode" [works] 4) Trigger event [rising, PFIO] occurs and starts data acquisition. Occurs in while loop which also writes to file [*issues begin] 5) Data acquisition continues till 2nd triggering event [falling, low, PFIO], which should end data acquisition and close loop [*doesnt close loop, but does pause data acquisition] 6) While loop closes and data exports out of loop and then is plotted. [doesnt work] Other issues: *[MASTER STOP] Cant figure out how to use my stop button to control the last loop, or stop initial loop. Tried references before, but can't seem to call it properly. Tried: I previously attempted to do this code as event structures, but I need a while loop or timed event to run within the event structure. And then calling the boolean control within the event structure to end the loop became problematic. Thanks for your responses, they will be extremely appreciated.
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