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Get Last Row Excel VI

Hello Everyone


I came across the VI attached  on


(Below is my modified LV 2010 version but it is not much different)


I understand that you are able to put in numerical data but in a single row I want to be able to have numerical data, words, and a URL.


I think you have to use the Append Image to Report for the URL part but does anyone understand why it has to be 2D array if I just want the

last row to put in all my data. I do not know where or how I can add just words to this last row or the image.


Any help is appreciated.




Message 1 of 2

There are two questions, so here are two answers.


Question 1 -- how do you mix numbers, strings, and URLs?  Answer -- convert everything to strings (which, I believe, is what happens internally -- indeed, the input is labelled Text Data).


Question 2 -- why do you need to pass in a 2-D array if you are only writing a single row?  Answer -- the "generic case" is to write an entire table, i.e. rows and columns, or a 2-D array, all at once.  As a "special case", you can accept a single row if you convert it to a 2-D array (1 row, many columns) simply by passing it through a Build Array block.  Thus you can have a single function Append Text Table to Report handle both multi-line text tables and single-line (faked to appear as though it were multi-line) text tables.

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