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Generate Model from VI error

Hi everyone,


i have a problem concerning this VI:


I want to generate a model for NI Veristand and it occurs an error which says that the VI is not executable. But i can run the VI without any errors...

Could the problem concern the global variable?


How could i change the VI that the error goes away?


Best regards

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How could i change the VI that the error goes away?

Fix the VI.  You'll need to do it by yourself, since you failed to attach the VI (there's a tiny picture showing I-don't-know-what, a Global, a Boolean indicator and something else).  If you want help and suggestions, you'll need to provide much more information about what you did (attach your code, best if you compress the folder containing your project and attach the resulting .zip file) and we can try to understand the nature of the error.


Bob Schor 

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