Sorry for the lack of information. 32 cases each have one value. So there are 32 values over all. I tried making an array using indexing. But the problem is array keeps changing. That is these 32 values will not show up at once. One time it could be 5 values, another time it could be 12 values like that. My boss using global variable will set those values to that global variable. That is there are 32 global variables for 32 values. So if like number 3, 10 and 22 value appear then the corresponding global variable will have that value. Then next maybe 7,11,19, 23 and 31 came. Then these values will appear in their corresponding global variable and the other values of 3,10 and 22 will still be there until the next time either of these 3 values appear. So thats how it is to work. I did a stupid thing by using indexing and created an array. If i wanted array to work like the global variable then when 3,10 and 22 appear; i want values in array with inexes 3,10 and 22 and it stays there and the next time when 7,11,19,23 and 31 value comes then i want it to add to the existing array at indexes 7,11,19,23 and 31. Unfortunately the array doesnt work like that and I didnt remember that when I did the coding. As you know in my code during the first 3,10 and 22, the array will be updated to a 3 value array and next when 7,11,19, 23 and 31 comes this 3 value goes and a new array with 5 values will come. So what should I do. Should I also put 32 global variables in those 32 cases like my boss did. Thanking You.