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Error within the Call library Node on OSA 86142a from HP

Hi all
I am a new labview user and recently I bumped into a this Call library Node problem for a few days now and still unable to solve it. I am trying to read the OSNR(optical signal to noise ratio) value from the OSA through GPIB. I download the plug and play driver from the and used the "hp8614xa Get signal to Noise" from the instrument vi library. Then whenever I tried to run it, this error always pops out.
LabVIEW: An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Node. THis might have corrupted LabVIEW's memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.
VI "hp8614xa Get Signal to Noise" was stopped at Call Library Function Node 0x124c of subVI "hp8614xa VXIPnp Error"
I tried testing other vi that also use the error as a subvi and the same error always pops out.
So I downloaded installed the new version of VISA 4.1 and the problem remained unsolved.
Can anyone give me any suggestion. I am in a hurry to fix this problem. Thank you
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Message 1 of 9
Hi Frank,

I need to get some more information from you.  What versions of LabVIEW and NI-488.2 are you using?  What GPIB hardware are you using to connect to the HP instrument? 

If you use this Basic GPIB Write and Read using NI-VISA to send the command do you still see that error?  Can you communicate with the instrument in MAX?  Is it only with that VI that you see the error?


Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 9
There is no driver to download from NI. The download page takes you to Agilent's web site. They wrote the driver.
You had to use the Driver Import Wizard to create the VIs, correct? One other thing besides what Meghan suggests is to verify if you have the IVI Compliance Package installed.
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Message 3 of 9
I am also new to labview and I am having the same problem with this instrument. The example programs provided in the .lib file downloaded from agilent's website 'appear' to work, but the program I have written does not work. I am unsure of what to do. I have IVI and Max installed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Message 4 of 9


What do you mean when you say that the drivers 'appear' to work?  Do they work in some cases, but not with other code that you have added?  Also, did you try running the example program that Meghan suggested, and were you able to communicate with the instrument that way? 

You say you have IVI and MAX installed. Do you also have 488.2 and NI-VISA drivers installed?  What versions of all of these drivers do you have? 



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Message 5 of 9

I mean that when I run the example programs for the instrument, there is no error. When I run my program, I get the memory error.


I have NI-VISA and 488.2 installed. As for versions of IVI and MAX, I am not sure how to find which versions, I just know that I am able to communicate effectively with a Keithley instrument, so this leads me to believe that the drivers that are installed do work. I think the MAX is version 3.X, though I am not sure. I am using LabView7.0, and the program suggested by Meghan does not work because it requires LabView 7.1. 

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Message 6 of 9
Do any of the example programs use "hp8614xa Get signal to Noise"?
-Matt Bradley

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Message 7 of 9

Not having 7.1 is no excuse for not running some basic GPIB commands. You have a shipping example for GPIB communication and you have the interactive control in MAX for doing GPIB communication.


The fact that you can communicate to a Keithley does not mean anything unless you are using an IVI driver for that. All of the software versions are listed in MAX. Just expand the 'Software' listing that you see there.


Lastly, if the examples work, narrow down which function call is generating the error. If it's the same one as mentioned in the original post and only that one, the simplest thing might be to perform the GPIB Write/Read without using the driver. 

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Message 8 of 9
Thanks for your replies, I'll try some of that stuff soon.
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Message 9 of 9