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Error Type 2208 when running Labview executable

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There's been other posts on this topic, but none matched precisely what I saw, so I want to detail it here and solicit some more knowledge.


Last year, I updated from LV 2015 to LV2017. Recently, I had to make changes to an application that was last changed on LV 2015. When I created the exe, it would run fine on a system with the development environment, but deploying it on a system without the updated environment would generate error 2208 immediately upon startup.


Here's what I tried, with no success:

  • Updated .NET framework on the system to 4.6.2
  • Mass Compile
  • Rolled back code changes to just have the change from a successful build on LV2015 to LV2017 (i.e. no new work included)

Finally, I put the exe in debug mode so I could see the block diagrams. I dug down to find that some DAQmx VIs were not found in the .exe build. Some, not all. I've never had this happen in a previous build. The build specs have not been touched. All their calling VIs are included in the source files. None of the VIs that call for these DAQmx VIs have been touched. I was faced with either finding all missing VIs (not a small task given the size of the code base) and including them in the build explicitly. Or, I tried installing the device drivers that match what is needed. Well, the second option worked.


Now, this is not an ideal solution. I don't believe device drivers should need to be installed (and they never have been in the past). The installer should take care of any dependancies, right? Besides, these get bundled into the EXE anyways. Does anyone have any clue what could be going wrong here?



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Accepted by topic author thutch79

Did you install the DAQmx runtime engine?


If they weren't included as additional installers with the installer of the executable, or ever installed via other installers, or directly from a download from NI, then you won't have the needed DAQmx code on the new PC.

@thutch79 wrote:

Now, this is not an ideal solution. I don't believe device drivers should need to be installed (and they never have been in the past). The installer should take care of any dependencies, right? Besides, these get bundled into the EXE anyways. Does anyone have any clue what could be going wrong here?



I don't know why you would think that.  Device drivers always need to be installed.  The installer for the executable will only take care of those dependencies if they drivers were added as additional installers.  Device drivers gon't get bundled in the EXE because it would be a waste of space if every executable you ever created included all the driver dependencies it needed.  It's just like Windows programs, their collectables don't have all the dependencies like .dll's and .net which get installed as separate items.

Message 2 of 3

You're absolutely right. I believe somehow my installer got changed between 2015 and 2017 to now not include the DAQmx drivers. Not sure what triggered that. We've gone so long with the same installer build that I had totally forgotten that the DAQmx runtime was an included installer. It used to just take care of that when changing versions, but it looks like it no longer does that. Easy enough fix now that I see what happened. Just a frustrating debug with no real indication of what's missing in the error message.

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