08-19-2015 09:44 AM
BLUF: I am getting Error 74: Unflatten From String: Memory or data structure corrupt. after trying to unflatten a string from VISA read.
Here is what I am doing. I have several data types in a message that I am flattening to a string and then writing to a serial port using VISA. I am using a loopback connector on my serial port to then read what I wrote using VISA read. I am able to read the message in binary, but I would like to unflatten the string and unbundle all of the data types and display each to test my serial transmission. The problem is that I am getting the error mentioned in my BLUF above when trying to do this. Does anyone know how to correct this issue?
08-19-2015 10:04 AM
08-19-2015 10:08 AM
I am not sure what you are asking for. I always get ERROR 74 when I try to run the VI. I am wiring the Type connector on the Unflattened From String directly to my cluster of elements that I send to the Serial Write VI.
08-19-2015 10:12 AM
Hi Scaz,
please provide a VI containing a string with data set to default and your conversion…
To say it the other way: when everything is set correctly the conversion will work without errors. As you get errors you (probably) did something wrong! But without any data/examples/VI we cannot check the source of the problem!
08-19-2015 10:34 AM
I attached an example of what I am trying to do. This a simplified version of a portion of my code that is giving me problems. The unflatten from string is what is giving me errors. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
08-19-2015 10:50 AM
Hi Scaz,
your VI doesn't contain any string with some value set to default - as I asked for…
But what I can say from your VI: using BytesAtPort is wrong for (atleast) 99% of all use cases! You need to make sure you read enough bytes so yoou can parse your string into the cluster you want it to be!
So again I ask you to provide an example VI with a string containing data you have received from your serial port, which gives errors in unflattening!
And while you're working on this: remove BytesAtPort from your VI. Either use a TermChar (which might be problematic with your binary data) or send/receive messages of known length!
08-19-2015 04:05 PM
Compare 2 strings GerdW is asking for. (1 - sent, 2 - received). They should be _identical_. If not, conversion will fail.
Untill you receive identical strings, do not blame unflatten.vi
Check what is different between these 2 strings.
Different size, incomplete string?
Some bit order in your data makes LineFeed byte and transmission stops?
08-19-2015 04:38 PM
Maybe something like this would work better?
I'm using two ports and a null modem.
08-20-2015 06:05 AM
What would be the best way to compare the sent and receive strings?
08-20-2015 09:09 AM
The "Equals" function.