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Error 60 on UDP Open

I'm having a problem with a port not being freed up fast enough.  My program sends a UDP packet approximately every 80 seconds.  Occasionally, the operation triggers an Error 60.


I can think of two work-arounds; switch to a new address (there is no return communication) or  test the port status and initiate sending the UDP message when the port is free.


Are there any stock solutions out there?



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You are correct about the reason you are getting Error 60.  Both of your ideas about addressing this issue are good work arounds.  The only other option you can try is by changing the LabVIEW INI file.  This change will allow the user to connect more than one client to a UDP port at a time.

Fair warning… this solution only works with certain (older) versions of Windows:

1.    Open the file: LabVIEW.ini (it is most likely located in C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW X.X, where "X.X" is the version number.)
2.    Add the line: SocketSetReuseAddr=TRUE
3.    Restart LabVIEW. The changes should take effect.

Good luck.


Mike S
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