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Error 1 from Generate User Event

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I have a master/slave tester VI to evaluate the operation of an Error Functional Global that should collect errors that are thrown in either loop.  I am getting Error 1: input parameters invalid from the Generate User Events VI in the Error FG and am not sure why.


I have attached my (LV 8.5) VIs and screen shots, because I think images would explain things better than words.  I have documented the code to indicate what should be happening and what is happening.  


Please let me know if more details are needed.  Thanks! Your help is appreciated!





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Accepted by topic author BlknBlu

In the Initialize case of your Main VI, you go to initialize the the Error FGV subVI.  But you fail to give it the user event refnum to store in the shift register.


When you use that FGV later, it uses the empty refnum in the shift register and sends that to Generate User Event and it gives an error.

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Message 2 of 3

Also, since it seems like you want to store the refnum in the shift register of the FGV, there is no reason to run the refnum wire to any other instances of the FGV other than the one where you do the initialization.  Any other command option besides Initialize for the FGV doesn't use the refnum that is wired into the connector panel anyway.

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