08-30-2012 11:25 AM
Hi everybody,
I made a VI to communicate and use some function of the Vector Network Analyzer ENA 5071C from an external PC trough GPIB. Is working but I will use them also without the PC connected, also because the ENA has just a built in OS (Win XP).
So I built a LabVIEW 2009 application (exe) and then installed in the Win XP OS of the ENA 5071C.
Before I just installed the LV 2009 Runtime engine and then also the NI VISA 4.5 Runtime engine, but when I start my app it doesn't work - communicate with the ENA or the VBA function normally used for measurements.
Is it possible to use LV for something like this or is working only with VBA?
The LV app cannot see an instrument in the same system (e.g. like a virtual instrument)? Perhaps I have to install also the NI MAX?
Somebody can me help?
Thanks in advance
Solved! Go to Solution.
08-31-2012 07:38 AM
Hi Dan,
it is clear that you´re not able to run the same program which is accessing the VNA through VISA on the instrument itself, since you´re bypassing
the GPIB-Interface. So in order to program the instrument on its own OS, you would need some kind of Programming-API by Agilent I guess. I don´t know if that exists.
I think it would be good asking them.
Marco Brauner NIG
08-31-2012 08:13 AM
Hi Marco,
thanks for reply.
Sure I understand that the normal way isn't functioning, but I asked because perhaps somebody has just tried to solve a similar problem.
The question is if there's a simple system to use the LV application without have to wrote a new or with another language.
I tried with VISA because all the subVI drivers for ENA are using it, but if there's not another easy way that, at the same OS level, create a virtual instrument that seems like VISA I have to use every time an external PC.
Best regards
08-31-2012 08:40 AM
Hey Dan, if you wanted to use the same program you would need to write your GPI-Commands to some kind of virtual GPIB-Port which is connected to
the instruments GPIB-Port. I´ve never seen that, and as far as I know, instrument vendors selling windows-based instruments don´t do this with the intention that users are
writing custom code for them - unless they are offering an API for doing that.
So I cannot help here anymore I´m afraid.
You could actually do what you want to do with a NI PXI-based VSA. 🙂 Here you get an API and you can program whatever you want on the PXI-Controller.
best regards
Marco Brauner NIG
08-31-2012 08:48 AM
@Dancom_x wrote:
Hi everybody,
I made a VI to communicate and use some function of the Vector Network Analyzer ENA 5071C from an external PC trough GPIB. Is working but I will use them also without the PC connected, also because the ENA has just a built in OS (Win XP).
So I built a LabVIEW 2009 application (exe) and then installed in the Win XP OS of the ENA 5071C.
Before I just installed the LV 2009 Runtime engine and then also the NI VISA 4.5 Runtime engine, but when I start my app it doesn't work - communicate with the ENA or the VBA function normally used for measurements.
Is it possible to use LV for something like this or is working only with VBA?
The LV app cannot see an instrument in the same system (e.g. like a virtual instrument)? Perhaps I have to install also the NI MAX?
Somebody can me help?
Thanks in advance
You should contact Agilent.
A co-worker ran a VB6 executable on a PNA.
09-04-2012 09:40 AM
Hi nyc,
also if late, thanks for the info, it is really what I want also if for this solution you have to program in VB and I'm actually focused in the LV..
If in future I don't have more an external PC perhaps I have to try this way.
But if somebody develop an application (also in VB) to communicate also with LV program at the same OS level, I will use it!
Till then I use my VI from the remote PC.
09-04-2012 10:01 AM
@Dancom_x wrote:
But if somebody develop an application (also in VB) to communicate also with LV program at the same OS level, I will use it!
You are not understanding what I wrote.
I mentioned that it was possible to create an executable to run within the PNA, and that it *may* be possible to do for the ENA.
However the ENA and PNA are firmware-wise very different, you need to talk to Agilent.
09-04-2012 10:26 AM
I perhaps not good explained my mind: if somebody will develop this also for the ENA (if is possible and for this has also contacted Agilent) or do something similar, I'm then interest to see or use this solution.
I hope is right now
09-04-2012 10:27 AM - edited 09-04-2012 10:28 AM
I am not understanding what you are writing.
My suggestion is that you contact Agilent technical support and ask them if it is possible to install LabVIEW on the ENA and create an executable to run from within the ENA.
11-22-2012 02:25 AM
Finally I got a solution, after a visit of an Application Engineer from Agilent that give me the right advice.
The installed LV application need only the right address instead the VISA address, and this is
Then it works well.
How also wrote above it's requested to install before on the Win XP (OS from ENA) the LabVIEW 2009 Runtime Engine and also the VISA 4.5 Runtime Engine.
I hope that it will be useful for other people.
Best regards