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Drag and Drop sometimes make VI stop responding

I have an application with a couple of different VI front panels open that support dragging and dropping data from one panel's control (listbox) to another. Everything works great most of the time, unless you try dragging and dropping a bunch of items in quick succession, or if the system is already pretty overwhelmed (i.e. a lot of windows opened, heavy CPU/RAM loads). In such instances, the VI acting as the Drag Source will often become completely unresponsive--you can't even operate scrollbars on controls/indicators--but it is still running and updating. All user interaction is locked out.


A quick search of yielded great news: this is a known bug (3WSI5DMQ) that was addressed for LabVIEW 8.5.


The problem is, I'm running 8.6.1, and it's still happening. Any NI gurus out there have any idea what the root cause is, and how--if at all--it can be addressed? Should I just give up on having drag-and-drop capabilities?

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