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Coverting a 0-5v signal to 1 x 10-9 for leak detection

ok here is a small vi that i fetched out from an old program (LV5) i made. made small changes and saved in LV8.2.
i am not sure the commands are the same, but you can see i send two strings out. what is in there will depend on your manual of operation.
i then read 3 bytes, again that will be according to your manual. finally i tranfer this 3 bytes into user readable. in this case it is pressure in 10 base. you will need to read your manual in order to find out how the data is sent to you (this i guess should be the same).
try it out, and tell me it work! (and also, read your manual Smiley Wink ).
dont forget to rate.

Message Edited by Gabi1 on 05-18-2007 01:25 AM

... And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wires...
Message 11 of 16

ho i forgot to say:

you will have to set the polarity and baud rate on your instrument, or alternatively inside the vi.

good luck


... And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wires...
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

hei again

by chance i havelooked at varian site.

is your instrument the: Model 990 dCLD II Component Leak Detector?

if so, it has both parallel, serial rs232, and analog 0 to 10 V, in linear or logaritmic mode. cool!

so you have the choice to use your DAQ card and MAX to test the AI. from then on, life should be easy.

... And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wires...
Message 13 of 16

Thanks Gabi1 , for your help.


The varian's i'm using are the 979 which shows both analog and RS232 i believe.

I have the PDF, if you want it, how should i send it to you?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16

Was able to read the Analog 0-10 V

but was unsuccessful with the RS232, connected with hyperterminal but no response

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16
ok if you can read the 0-10V Analog out, then already you can simply create a small vi around it: use the daq assistant (under "measurments") to create the channel under labview. wrap it with an indicator, a loop and a wait. you have yourself a pressure gauge.
RS232 is then usefull only if you want to program the instrument or you get supplementary information. otherwise, simply stick with the analog out, which also will give you much faster readings.
dont forget to rate Smiley Wink
... And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wires...
Message 16 of 16